Monday, 28 May 2012

Coming soon to Bromley!

Bromley Cuts Concern supporter and organiser Paul Rooney posts news here of two free-to-attend meetings at Bromley's HG Wells Centre -  
Thursday 31st May at 6.30pm. Venue- HG Wells Centre
Bromley Cuts Concern meeting.
Guest Speaker: Glenn Kelly (Staff Side Secretary,Bromley Council).
Glenn is at the forefront  of fighting the Tory cuts to essential local Council services.
    Bromley's latest proposal is to withdraw from National Pay & Conditions. This will mean even lower pay & worse pensions locally, leading to poorer services as well as preparation for privatisation of even more Departments.
    Glenn will also tell us about his ongoing battle with Unison regarding his suspension from the union. He won his High Court case recently, but unfortunately Unison have appealed. 
    Glenn is a great & uplifting speaker .
Open meeting
Free Entry.
Wednesday 6th June at 5pm.Venue-HG Wells Centre
Transport and Salaried Staffs' Association (TSSA union) have invited Dave Smith (UCATT and a former engineer) to speak at their next meeting.
Dave has been in the news over several years because he was blacklisted for raising concerns as a  UCATT trade union safety rep about unsafe working practices in the construction industry.
    This is a very relevant today as both nationally & locally the Tories are determined to  attack hard won worker protection and employment rights. Disturbingly and falsely, the Tories view workers rights & health & safety protection as holding back economic growth.
   Only last year the absurd Leader of Bromley Council tried to set an immature & dangerous example by refusing to wear a hard hat on a visit to  local construction site.
    If Mr Carr wants to hurt and injure himself then that's up to him although I doubt his wife & children will be too impressed if they have to care for him as result of sustaining a serious head injury.
   Also, he put others (including any Emergency Service workers) in jeopardy who would have had to risk harm to themselves in order to atend to his injuries caused as a result of not protecting himself. 
   Dave is an excellent speaker. Do come and hear his story and learn about lessons for today.
Free Entry

1 comment:

  1. whens the next meeting, theres a new Unison branch at pru hospital looks like ex bromley pct branch sec is back in charge, ex nurse for 23 years in bromley, old school union type, hates swp and sp see you all there, up the workers,,,
