Friday, 15 June 2012

Creating Alternatives

Bromley Cuts Concern has been networking with the Occupy Movement for several months. Occupy London writes
Hey Everyone!
This Sat's General Assembly at St Pauls, on Creating Alternatives through the ideal of localism, community and the commons will be a great opportunity to start discussing all the issues.
With music, poetry, talks on the theme of community, inspiring community groups like Haringey Solidarity and Save Leyton Marsh in attendance this is a great opportunity to find common ground, support each others' campaigns, and perhaps start building a really strong London network.  
Do come along if you can, and don't forget to share the invitation with your local group(s).

Creating Alternatives – new series of community-themed assemblies starting Saturday 16 June

Occupy London warmly invites individuals, grass-roots organisations and community groups to join us for a discussion of the ideas, experiences, visions and strategies that will make better social living a practise. By sharing our stories and community based approaches, we can find common ground.

This series starts on Saturday 16th June and will continue each Saturday until late August, always from 2 – 4pm on the steps of St Paul’s. If you have an idea for a themed assemblies looking at a specific concern do get in contact.

We feel strongly that through working together exploring the vast similarities between many of our causes and together, we can reclaim what has been taken from us and assert our rights as communities over corporations and the state. Our shared task is to turn occupation into lasting change by imagining and building compelling, just and democratic alternatives to the current morally and materially bankrupt system of living. Examples of such alternatives exist already and have been successfully practised in a variety of environments and cultures around the world. [1-3]

Through this series, we’d like to explore such examples together and hear your stories, experiences and views with a view to building towards creating our own real alternatives.

Have an idea? Get in contact:
Twitter: @occupylondonga

Materials on the Commons and Commoning

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